Monday, July 21, 2008

Virtualization and information-centric security

Many more of the customers I talk to are focused on virtualization as a core infrastructure strategy. They obviously want to know more about how this will affect how they look at security. While I am not the expert on anti-virus/malware, NAC, intrusion prevention etc, one area that I get excited about is the data protection implications of this trend...

As devices get abstracted and pushed to the background, it appears we are left, at the core, with applications and data. The interactions between the two dictate productivity, security et al. In this context, an information-centric security paradigm becomes even more important.

There are no devices to lock down (these will be virtual - appearing and dissapearing as required). Much of the data will be accessed from virtual containers. Therefore, protecting the data itself, regardless of the applications, the devices, the networks will become crucial in this evolving landscape...

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